
The everyday life of a twenty-something...

Thursday, July 08, 2004

So, I'm here at work for the first time this week. Hee! My company location gives everyone 3 days off for the 4th every year. So, I had Monday - Wednesday off. And next week I'll only be here for 2 days as well! I leave on Sunday for the Pampered Chef national convention and come home on Wednesday. I can't wait! It's going to be so much fun. I'm traveling with 6 other consultants. I did a lot of stuff around the house on my days off - cleaning and organizing. I also did a lot of sitting on my butt cross-stitching! Back to the real world today though. It seems like I have a million things to do and no time to do them!

posted by Nina at 11:34 AM

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Yesterday as I was driving home from work, I was listening to local talk radio (as usual.) Specifically I was listening to Dan Barreiro. He was using an article by Christopher Hitchens to take Michael Moore to task. I just had to find that article because it sounded like it had some good points in it. Boy, did it ever! Check it out for yourself: Slate Article. I love listening to Dan Barreiro. He's not democrat, not republican - he just calls the bullshit on both sides as he see's it. I like to think that's where I am too.

posted by Nina at 11:37 AM

I can't believe it's already the end of June! This summer is 1/3 over and time is just flying by!

posted by Nina at 9:21 AM

Friday, June 18, 2004

Whine, whine, whine. I feel like crap. I'm all achy and my head is stuffed up. I want to go home and sleep but I have too much to do before a July 1st deadline comes. I may take my work laptop home and do it from the comfort of my recliner though. That sounds might inviting.

posted by Nina at 1:06 PM

Friday, June 11, 2004

I haven't posted about President Reagan and his passing because, well, I don't know that much about him. I was twelve when he left office in 1988 so I can't speak about his politics or time as president with any authority. I can only hope that he is able to rest now after his battle with Alzheimer's. I wouldn't wish this horrible disease on anyone. And I pray that his family can get through this time together. I wonder if all the pomp and circumstance surrounding his funeral is a welcome distraction or even more painful.

posted by Nina at 4:11 PM

Thursday, June 10, 2004

The class went very well last night. Pastor David explained everything - theological and practical - to us new parents or new-to-be parents. Basically we can have the baptism whenever we want. We're thinking Thanksgiving maybe because Kris's sister may be in town then. And Godparents are no problem. Yay!

posted by Nina at 11:05 AM

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Tonight Kris and I are attending baptism class at our church. A friend at work asked me today if it wasn't a bit premature to be doing this. After all, I'm only 28 weeks pregnant. (tomorrow!) I told her that as with everything else, there is a small drama behind this. You see, my mom wants to buy a baptismal gown for the baby as a baby shower present for me. The baby shower she's planning for her family is going to be August 7th. A lot of places online have a 6-8 week lead time on christening gowns. Mom could buy one from a store but she wants me to pick it out which is easier to do online. Anyway, Mom will be in Europe for 3 weeks in July (I know - how rough!) and so she wants the dress found and ordered before she leaves. Not a problem, except we don't know what size to order! So, we're going to class tonight to find out how our church handles baptisms. We specifically need to know when ours would be taking place so we can order the dress. Yeah, my Mom is a planner and thinks about things way ahead of time! Another thing we need to know is if it's okay for one of our baby's godparents to be Catholic. We belong to an ELCA church and the godfather will be ELCA but the godmother won't. We need to make sure that's okay. Because if it isn't, then I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm sure it will be though.

posted by Nina at 5:17 PM

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Argh! Michael Moore again! Read this latest article. Why is that scene in the trailer if it isn't in the movie? You don't even make sense Michael Moore!


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